class Queue
  private CircularList list;

  Queue(int size)  //the constructor  
    //you should create the instance of CircularList (called 
    //list) here, passing in size to it's constructor.

  void EnQueue(int element)
    //This method should use the appropriate methods from the 
    //CircularList class to add element to the end of the queue.
    //make sure the queue isn't full before you add!

  int DeQueue()
    //This method should use the appropriate methods from the 
    //CircularList class to remove element from the front of 
    //the queue.
    //make sure the queue isn't empty before you remove!

  boolean IsEmpty()
    //This method returns true if the queue is empty, 
    //false otherwise.
    //Again, use a method from the CircularList class.

  boolean IsFull()
    //This method returns true if the queue is full, 
    //false otherwise.
    //Again, use a method from the CircularList class.

  void PrintQueue()
    //This method should use methods from the CircularList class
    //and print out the contents of the queue to the screen.
    //After executing this method, the contents of the queue should
    //be unchanged. 

} //end Queue class